Tag Archives: Tyler

Photographer as a Husband…….



As amazing as it is to have a husband as a photographer, it’s like pulling teeth to get pictures of our own kids and get them edited. (I love you though Tyler despite, you know it’s the truth though ).  Here are a few pictures from Lily’s birthday when we celebrated down at my parent’s house. Don’t mind that it’s 4 months later. I will take what I can get. I will give Tyler the benefit of the doubt, our kids are the WORST to take pictures of. As soon as they see Tyler’s camera being pulled out its like they instantly start acting out and running away. So here’s to an attempt of trying to get a few to just remember this age.








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All 4 cousins together:) Miss these kiddos all together.


Love these two with all my heart

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Big girl blowing out her birthday candle. CanNOT believe she will be 4 this year. Where has time gone?!!

As crazy as our life is with these two wild kids, I am very grateful for their fun, outgoing, vibrant, strong-willed personalities. I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Thank you Tyler for taking some pictures of these crazies for us. With our kids you have all of about 6 seconds to get as many pictures as possible of Liam whether lighting is good or not you just have to capture his face and be pleased that you got a picture that isn’t blurred.

Have a great Hump Day everyone! Our year is finally starting to get back in routine, we start dance back today and normal schedules. Who Hoo!


               Boylston Clan

Catch Up…… Bamberg Trip


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It’s been over a month since I blogged and I have a lot of catching up to do…but didn’t want to forget documenting this trip. We always look forward to going to Bamberg. There is something about going there, soon as you pass the Bamberg sign you instantly put all your stress and worries behind and relax. Could be the fact that there is NOTHING in Bamberg but that’s what makes it soooo awesome and of course the people who are there!

We loaded the kids up with a laundry basket full of toys where they could grab what they wanted without me breaking my arm every 16 seconds to reach for stuff for them. It actually was an enjoyable ride (not sure if I am just forgetting the screaming and fighting since it’s been over a month…but looking bad I think they did pretty good for 7 hours).

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Typical Liam

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We had to make a pit stop in Savannah at “cwacker bawwell” to see Mo Mo, Jues, Bake, Big Pops, and Mamie before finishing the last 2 hours. Trust me this made the kiddos very happy.



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We didn’t arrive till almost 10:00 in Bamberg that night. Liam fell asleep as we passed the Bamberg sign and Lily was roaring to go! Might I add Liam stayed asleep as we unloaded the car and set up his bed. I just carried him straight from the car to his bed. HE WAS OUT!

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Lily was in Baby Doll HEAVEN!

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Tyler had to walk back to see his house he grew up in:)


Getting the morning paper with Grandad


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Of course you know we wouldn’t skip out on Chick-fil-A


Lily was a big helper and helped Nanny clean the kitchen and organize her cabinets. She takes after her momma (makes me proud)

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This absolutely melted my heart!!!!! Grandad made up a song for Lily and she wanted him to sing it over and over again!

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The kids had just a little bit of fun playing in the sprinkler if you can’t tell:)



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Famous Duke’s BBQ. Don’t need to say anything else.




Just playing and eating goldfish.


Lily insisted on going back with Mamie and Jues, so she went back to savannah and we stayed one more night with Liam in Bamberg.

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Made it back to Savannah and Liam had free roam playing while the older kiddos were taking LONG naps!

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Think this pretty much describes these two (think it pretty much describes their daddies as well). YOURE A NUT LILY (tyler)

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We headed back home and we were all exhausted but had an AMAZING time and are so grateful for all our family. We are VERY blessed. Can’t wait for our next trip back:)

Week In Review


Monday We drove back from Savannah. We spent a long weekend in Bamberg visiting Tyler’s grandparents, Nanny and granddad. We had a great relaxful trip. I will post all of our pictures next week sometime. Kids were slap worn out this week from this weekend, so it has taken a little while to get back into routine and I have yet to put all the pictures on my computer. 
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Monday: We made us a pit stop in Jacksonville to play at Chick Fil A

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Monday night: We had small group. It was family night, kids were exhausted and Nee Nee wanted to spend time with them so we left them at home and went by ourselves. The guys were checking out Darin’s boat for the summer.

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Tuesday: After I picked Lily up from school I surprised them by taking her to the car wash. They LOVE it.

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Wednesday: It was Water day at school! got to love summer. Lily had to bring baby along for water day. Image 1

Stopped by Nee Nee’s after we dropped lily off at school. We caged him!

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After School Wednesday we went and got my oil changed. Kids actually behaved and it went super fast. As a treat for being so good we went to see Pops at work and got pizza with Pops.

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For Dinner, the English’s were in the neighborhood house searching so we had dinner together. Nothing like “spur of the moment” dinner plans with friends!

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All playing together in Lilys’s room. crazy rascals.

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Thursday: Tropical Storm came across and was pouring all day…… So what do we do? go to Chick Fil A for a playdate!!!

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Friday: Today is our cousin MoMo’s Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Noah.

This picture was from this past weekend. I can’t stop laughing at, this describes these two so well. Lily is crazy like her Daddy and Noah is just analyzing her like his Daddy! Crazy kids.

Sea World/ MOPS play date


I’m going to say sorry in advance for the overload of pictures! We have had an extremely busy week this week and kids will tell you it’s been a fun week. We will start with our Sea World trip.


Lily had to pose with her favorite princess of ALL time:)


This was her pick from the gift shop! She wanted her Cinderella princess pillow. Tyler tried convincing her to get some other things and she was insistent on this pillow. She hasn’t left it for 10 seconds since she got it… It will interesting seeing how she does not taking it to school this am.




Daddy and Lily riding the carousel, I am sure you can see what she is riding. She promised us in line that once we got up there she would not be scared and would ride it. She confidently walked on the carousel and sat straight on the bench! What child doesn’t want to ride one of the giant, pretty decorated horse?! LILY . She was so proud of her spot and so excited.


Liam and I just chilling.

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We made a pit stop at Shamu’s Happy Harbor and Splash Park. Kids loved it. Liam had a blast, even though he was practically getting bulldozed by the older kids. It was a great way to keep the kids cool on the hot humid day.




Here we were all waiting on the Shamu show. We sat really close in the soak zone so we could get cooled off!




Don’t judge us on our parenting…..but Liam was given Sprite during the Shamu show to keep him entertained. Hey it did the trick and his face was priceless!

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As you can see we were really close so it kept the kids entertained:) The picture above was Lily calling Shamu doing his “sign”.

We had a blast, it’s not always easy with a 1 and  2-year-old at a theme park. There were definitely memories made and I wouldn’t have changed any  of it!


MOPS Play Date at the Splash Park at Wooten Park.

Let me start off by saying, we just started our MOPS group recently and I couldn’t be more blessed by it already. I have prayed about starting one myself at our church and it never worked out. When a friend from church said they had started one up and invited me I was beyond excited to say the least. There is nothing like bonding with other Moms who have young kids and sharing your hardships and blessings with them. I look forward to our meetings we have. If you live in the area and would like to join contact me and I would love to give you more information!

Here are some pictures from the kids playing at the park.



Lily’s bestie Kynlee came and she couldn’t have been more excited when she walked through the gate!

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She’s trying to convince Kynlee to get wet and she’s not having it!


Yep that’s my child practically sucking the fish! Apparently she was thirsty.

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These prissy little two sat on the bench and played with their dolls. I love them!

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Babies were done and ready for their naps!

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The girls were not wanting to say bye to each other:( They had so much fun together!

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And this little man barely stayed awake on the way home. We made it home thought went down and kids slept over 4 hours. I would say it was a blessed 2 days!

Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you all have a great Memorial Weekend.



Spontaneous Disney/Sea World Adventure


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There are many reasons I love my husband, but one is for his spontaneity. I mean come on, what husbands just comes home from work and says,  “Hey you want to go to Downtown Disney, stay the night at a hotel and wake up and go to Sea World?……and then finish off with Outlet Shopping?” I mean come on…….is this real?

We had a blast at Downtown Disney. Lily got to get her picture made with the princesses (don’t mind that they were statues, she didn’t know), pick out a gift from the shop (which was a Cinderella pillow, Tyler has been making fun of her all night), and just strolled around. We ended it with a late night pool dip at the hotel. I honestly can say we have never experienced Disney with the kids this relaxed.

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Princess Lily at the Disney Princess store!

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Waiting in line with Daddy to ride the Carousel (I will show you pictures tomorrow of what she chose to ride on the carosel….so Lily)

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She wanted to take a picture with every Princess she saw


On a side note I want to say I have completely sacrificed my Tuesday  night for my littles. I missed the finale of DWTS because we were all in the same room at the hotel and kids were asleep. If you know me, you know I like my TV shows. I guess I will have to catch up on all my shows tomorrow night on the computer after the kids go to bed.

Love my kiddos, and seeing their precious faces with all the excitement was worth every minute of missing my tv show.


One more thing I have to add. I think I have found a sippy cup that’s “Liam proof”. I have weaned Liam from his bottles and only use sippy cups for his milk. In doing this, he has become very picky with which ones he will drink his milk from. All of the ones he likes he tends to shake, tip, and spill. Any soft spout that says “spill proof” lies if you have a child like Liam. The child takes one shake and milk is sprayed across my entire car. So…..needless to say I’m a sippy cup freak. Thanks to my dear friend Heather, while at Target yesterday she showed me a cup that her daughter’s use and is probably the only sippy cup on the Target isle that I don’t own (well didn’t own till yesterday). I will say with confidence, “This cup is Liam proof” and he likes it!!! So we found a winner. Thank you Heather for saving my sanity of all the spilt milk everywhere.


Tyler’s Birthday Dinner Celebration


First off, let me tell you my husband will be mortified I’m using these pictures on the blog. I know they are terrible quality I actually took the pictures with my phone off of his camera. I know probable “#1 commandment” of “No’s” for photographers, but hey it’s the memories that count…..right?


Tyler’s birthday cake. He now can never say I haven’t ever made him a birthday “cake”. He claimed he’s never actually had one with me since we have been married. In his mind a peach cobbler, strawberry shortcake, apple pie, etc is not classified as the same. So this year I did upon his request: Vanilla cake with Vanilla icing and Vanilla ice cream. So original, I know.

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Made this easy chocolate chip bundt cake for those of us who wanted a little more than vanilla!

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We celebrated with Style…..simple….but hey it did the job. It was all about the fellowship and it was great fellowship at that.

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Terrible picture, but this was the gang.

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The Ladies that keep the wild men in line!

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Of course had to take another one since Danielle arrived fashionably late! I guess she is the only responsible one who works! haha just playing.

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The Birthday boy blowing out his candles….let me add Lily placed each candle very carefully in Daddy’s cake.

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Won’t put up the other crazy pictures, but with a photographer as the birthday boy you know there were some silly photo shoots done. This is Eric and Jenn. Eric is Tyler’s “partner in crime”. It’s never good when these two are together!

THANK YOU everyone for coming and celebrating Tyler’s birthday, it meant more to us both than you know! We love each and every one of you and value our authentic relationships we have formed. We went to bed praising God for the laughter, joy, and honesty God has blessed us with, with our friends!

Happy Birthday Tyler


Happy Birthday to the Love of my Life! Tyler turns 25 today, wow it seems like we have experienced so much life together and yet (Lord willing) we have sooooo many more to come.

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Tyler,  words cannot express how grateful God brought your into my life. I know we have had MANY ups and MANY downs, but I am confident God allowed us to experience every one of those to get us where he has today. You are the exact opposite of me in every single way and that’s what makes us work. You could sleep in till 11 am while I thrive at waking up by 6, you have energy out of this world while I love having the time to sit, drink a cup of coffee and read with no interruptions, you joke nonstop while I get so annoyed and would rather just be NORMAL, you are an out of the box thinker while I like everything black and white and straight to the point, you could change your mind and plans a million times where I like to know what we are doing and stick with it! God has uniquely made us and made us sooo differently, but in a way that has allowed our kids to have a perfect blend of who we are. I love you more than I think you will ever know and am so excited to celebrate you today. You deserve way more than just one day a year to be celebrated, but heck I guess that’s why there is Father’s Day coming up too! Thank you for being the caregiver and provider you are for our family. WE LOVE YOU WITH EVERYTHING WE ARE!


 Cailey, Lilyann, and Liam (can’t forget Ella)

Looking forward to celebrating tonight with our friends. PARTAY!!!

Week in Review


Here is our Week in Review. We have actually had a very busy week/weekend.

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Saturday: Tyler and I had a great date night our at Celebration with a bunch of our friends. It was a great night cutting loose without kids (We love you kids but need a break every now and then! )

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Sunday: We were off to shoot a wedding in Gainesville. I love my husband’s job and how we can work together, we are so blessed!

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Monday: It is Lily’s day at school. Liam loves going to pick his sissy up, he gets so excited with her in the car on the way home.

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Tuesday: This is my grocery morning, don’t know why I wait till Tuesday instead of Monday while Lily’s at school but I do. This Tuesday I dropped Liam off at Izze’s house to play while Lily and I had  a shopping date (kids favorite thing in the world to do!) Thanks Heather for watching Liam, don’t know why I haven’t done that before. Shopping with two kids is not fun!

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Wednesday: I had to have the end of the year parent/teacher conference. I am so proud of the little young lady she is becoming. I may be bias, but she is so dang cute when she is at school. We had a rough few weeks when we first started, she did not want mommy leaving her. However, now she LOVES school, LOVES her friends, and LOVES her teachers. I absolutely adore our nightly conversations we have rocking before bed of how her day went at school. That definitely is my favorite part of the day. Oh can’t forget Lily made us pizza for dinner!

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Thursday: Lily went to school and Liam and I took the pups to the “puppy grandparents” for the weekend. We were Beach Bound after we picked Lily up for School!


Friday: Yes…..I am at paradise

Hope everyone has a Great Mother’s Day weekend I know we surely will. I will be with my momma and she’s the best one out there! (not biased  or anything)

Be Blessed! XOXO