Category Archives: Family

Nee Nee and Pops’ Visits


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Every time we go and visit Nee and Pops, these kids look forward to going and seeing the horses at the end of their neighborhood. Might I add 70% of the time the horses are no shows……they still don’t care, Liam just chucks the carrots and apples over the fence for them to have breakfast the next morning. Since 2014 has rolled around these kids have had a lot of visits down to the horses, and its even better where their friends join in.

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Lily was pulling Emerson in the rain down to see the horses. Their interaction was completely priceless. Emerson kept demanding Lily to pull faster, faster, faster! Of coarse, Lily thought that it was fabulous and pulled as hard and fast as she could. These girls are two peas in a pod. Wish they lived closer, although I have a feeling they would be too mischievous for Lindsey and I.

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Camden and Liam calling the horses to come. Can I just tell you these are going to be two BIG boys.

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Love all these kids.  

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The smitten grandmas and their boys:)

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They played with Loli till they dropped…..

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…… and here they dropped.

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Liam thought he would copy the big girls.  

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A few weeks ago Tyler and I had a wedding in Orlando, so what do you think Nee Nee and the little ones did? Yep, visit horses!!

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This is what life is about! Love winter in Florida!

Photographer as a Husband…….



As amazing as it is to have a husband as a photographer, it’s like pulling teeth to get pictures of our own kids and get them edited. (I love you though Tyler despite, you know it’s the truth though ).  Here are a few pictures from Lily’s birthday when we celebrated down at my parent’s house. Don’t mind that it’s 4 months later. I will take what I can get. I will give Tyler the benefit of the doubt, our kids are the WORST to take pictures of. As soon as they see Tyler’s camera being pulled out its like they instantly start acting out and running away. So here’s to an attempt of trying to get a few to just remember this age.








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All 4 cousins together:) Miss these kiddos all together.


Love these two with all my heart

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Big girl blowing out her birthday candle. CanNOT believe she will be 4 this year. Where has time gone?!!

As crazy as our life is with these two wild kids, I am very grateful for their fun, outgoing, vibrant, strong-willed personalities. I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Thank you Tyler for taking some pictures of these crazies for us. With our kids you have all of about 6 seconds to get as many pictures as possible of Liam whether lighting is good or not you just have to capture his face and be pleased that you got a picture that isn’t blurred.

Have a great Hump Day everyone! Our year is finally starting to get back in routine, we start dance back today and normal schedules. Who Hoo!


               Boylston Clan

Catch Up…… Bamberg Trip


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It’s been over a month since I blogged and I have a lot of catching up to do…but didn’t want to forget documenting this trip. We always look forward to going to Bamberg. There is something about going there, soon as you pass the Bamberg sign you instantly put all your stress and worries behind and relax. Could be the fact that there is NOTHING in Bamberg but that’s what makes it soooo awesome and of course the people who are there!

We loaded the kids up with a laundry basket full of toys where they could grab what they wanted without me breaking my arm every 16 seconds to reach for stuff for them. It actually was an enjoyable ride (not sure if I am just forgetting the screaming and fighting since it’s been over a month…but looking bad I think they did pretty good for 7 hours).

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Typical Liam

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We had to make a pit stop in Savannah at “cwacker bawwell” to see Mo Mo, Jues, Bake, Big Pops, and Mamie before finishing the last 2 hours. Trust me this made the kiddos very happy.



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We didn’t arrive till almost 10:00 in Bamberg that night. Liam fell asleep as we passed the Bamberg sign and Lily was roaring to go! Might I add Liam stayed asleep as we unloaded the car and set up his bed. I just carried him straight from the car to his bed. HE WAS OUT!

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Lily was in Baby Doll HEAVEN!

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Tyler had to walk back to see his house he grew up in:)


Getting the morning paper with Grandad


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Of course you know we wouldn’t skip out on Chick-fil-A


Lily was a big helper and helped Nanny clean the kitchen and organize her cabinets. She takes after her momma (makes me proud)

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This absolutely melted my heart!!!!! Grandad made up a song for Lily and she wanted him to sing it over and over again!

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The kids had just a little bit of fun playing in the sprinkler if you can’t tell:)



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Famous Duke’s BBQ. Don’t need to say anything else.




Just playing and eating goldfish.


Lily insisted on going back with Mamie and Jues, so she went back to savannah and we stayed one more night with Liam in Bamberg.

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Made it back to Savannah and Liam had free roam playing while the older kiddos were taking LONG naps!

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Think this pretty much describes these two (think it pretty much describes their daddies as well). YOURE A NUT LILY (tyler)

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We headed back home and we were all exhausted but had an AMAZING time and are so grateful for all our family. We are VERY blessed. Can’t wait for our next trip back:)

Week In Review


Monday We drove back from Savannah. We spent a long weekend in Bamberg visiting Tyler’s grandparents, Nanny and granddad. We had a great relaxful trip. I will post all of our pictures next week sometime. Kids were slap worn out this week from this weekend, so it has taken a little while to get back into routine and I have yet to put all the pictures on my computer. 
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Monday: We made us a pit stop in Jacksonville to play at Chick Fil A

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Monday night: We had small group. It was family night, kids were exhausted and Nee Nee wanted to spend time with them so we left them at home and went by ourselves. The guys were checking out Darin’s boat for the summer.

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Tuesday: After I picked Lily up from school I surprised them by taking her to the car wash. They LOVE it.

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Wednesday: It was Water day at school! got to love summer. Lily had to bring baby along for water day. Image 1

Stopped by Nee Nee’s after we dropped lily off at school. We caged him!

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After School Wednesday we went and got my oil changed. Kids actually behaved and it went super fast. As a treat for being so good we went to see Pops at work and got pizza with Pops.

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For Dinner, the English’s were in the neighborhood house searching so we had dinner together. Nothing like “spur of the moment” dinner plans with friends!

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All playing together in Lilys’s room. crazy rascals.

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Thursday: Tropical Storm came across and was pouring all day…… So what do we do? go to Chick Fil A for a playdate!!!

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Friday: Today is our cousin MoMo’s Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Noah.

This picture was from this past weekend. I can’t stop laughing at, this describes these two so well. Lily is crazy like her Daddy and Noah is just analyzing her like his Daddy! Crazy kids.

Memorial Day Weekend



Wow! What a busy, but fun weekend! I am now seeing as Lily gets older, how busy your life can be with kids. Now that the weather is gorgeous outside we have pretty much been living outside. Great medicine for long naps and restful nights:) We wake up, eat breakfast, head outdoors, play till nap time, after naps go back out, eat picnic dinners, play more, then quick baths and bed time. LOVE these sweet summer days.

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Liam pushing Gracyn in her ride.

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Slip and Slide. Crazy children.

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Only picture we could get with all 6 kids together.

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Sweet babies getting all cleaned up and ready for bed.

We started off our weekend at our friend’s Crystal and Darin’s house. We BBQ out, kids had slip and slide, dirt, water, playground, all they needed. The kids had a blast, and the adults had great fellowship. Didn’t make it home till after 8:30 I would say kids were past exhausted.



My babes at the park at Grandmommy’s. They love swinging.

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Let me just add this is Lily’s first time ever swinging and enjoying it!! Ever since she was 6 months old she has screamed bloody murder in a swing. Now she loves them and can’t get enough.

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Pool Babes ready to go swim.

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These three guys are nothing but trouble.

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The ladies.

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Nothing screams summer more than watermelon.

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Two of the cutest faces ever enjoying their watermelon together.


That’s a truck full of sweetness.


Boy loves anything with water.


Jumping with the big kids.

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Time to clean up (These are so going in their Yearbook when they get older!

Ty left Saturday morning early for Jax for work. The kids and I were alone together for the weekend. Nee and Pops were at their home away from home (BEACH)! We actually had a great weekend though together, lots of bonding time. lots of Chick Fil A, playgrounds, trips to see grandmommy and grandpoppy, playdates with friends, and LONG naps. The weekend went way smoother than I thought. I love my babies and am grateful for our weekend together! Tyler made it home to celebrate Memorial Day with us and we had a great day together with our friends. As you can tell, we had a blessed weekend. Many memories were made, made for a lifetime.


Spontaneous Disney/Sea World Adventure


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There are many reasons I love my husband, but one is for his spontaneity. I mean come on, what husbands just comes home from work and says,  “Hey you want to go to Downtown Disney, stay the night at a hotel and wake up and go to Sea World?……and then finish off with Outlet Shopping?” I mean come on…….is this real?

We had a blast at Downtown Disney. Lily got to get her picture made with the princesses (don’t mind that they were statues, she didn’t know), pick out a gift from the shop (which was a Cinderella pillow, Tyler has been making fun of her all night), and just strolled around. We ended it with a late night pool dip at the hotel. I honestly can say we have never experienced Disney with the kids this relaxed.

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Princess Lily at the Disney Princess store!

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Waiting in line with Daddy to ride the Carousel (I will show you pictures tomorrow of what she chose to ride on the carosel….so Lily)

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She wanted to take a picture with every Princess she saw


On a side note I want to say I have completely sacrificed my Tuesday  night for my littles. I missed the finale of DWTS because we were all in the same room at the hotel and kids were asleep. If you know me, you know I like my TV shows. I guess I will have to catch up on all my shows tomorrow night on the computer after the kids go to bed.

Love my kiddos, and seeing their precious faces with all the excitement was worth every minute of missing my tv show.


One more thing I have to add. I think I have found a sippy cup that’s “Liam proof”. I have weaned Liam from his bottles and only use sippy cups for his milk. In doing this, he has become very picky with which ones he will drink his milk from. All of the ones he likes he tends to shake, tip, and spill. Any soft spout that says “spill proof” lies if you have a child like Liam. The child takes one shake and milk is sprayed across my entire car. So…..needless to say I’m a sippy cup freak. Thanks to my dear friend Heather, while at Target yesterday she showed me a cup that her daughter’s use and is probably the only sippy cup on the Target isle that I don’t own (well didn’t own till yesterday). I will say with confidence, “This cup is Liam proof” and he likes it!!! So we found a winner. Thank you Heather for saving my sanity of all the spilt milk everywhere.


Weekend in Review


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Thursday: We were off for a wedding in St Augustine. We actually had a great little date night Thursday night downtown St Augustine (don’t have any pictures). Friday was the wedding and an engagement shoot in Jax. Nee Nee kept the kids and they had a blast.

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Saturday: we got home extremely late Friday night, so lily was happy to see mommy and daddy Saturday morning. She cuddled in bed and watched PBS while Liam slept in like a champ.

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Lily went to work with Daddy while (she even got ice cream with daddy) while Liam and I played with all Sissy’s stuff.

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Told ya!

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This boy is into everything…..There is no taking your eye off of him. He is ALL BOY and a DESTROYER.

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Lunch watching all the squirrels and birds. Better alternative than tv sometimes.

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Saturday night Lily did the usual Cracker Barrell dinner with Nee Nee and Pops, Memaw and Papa. I can’t let myself go there but…….. these are extremely strong memories made and I will be very sad when they go to see Jesus. I will forever remember Cracker Barrell as Memaw and Papa.

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Sunday: It’s church!! We have missed our Sunday morning fellowship….it’s been way too many weeks since we have been. Lily was excited to go needless to say.

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Sunday night: Sunday was Grandpoppy’s birthday, so after dinner and baths we stopped by before bed to wish him a happy birthday. Birthday boy was sick on his birthday, but he still loved seeing these babies! Happy Birthday Grandpoppy!!

Happy Birthday Tyler


Happy Birthday to the Love of my Life! Tyler turns 25 today, wow it seems like we have experienced so much life together and yet (Lord willing) we have sooooo many more to come.

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Tyler,  words cannot express how grateful God brought your into my life. I know we have had MANY ups and MANY downs, but I am confident God allowed us to experience every one of those to get us where he has today. You are the exact opposite of me in every single way and that’s what makes us work. You could sleep in till 11 am while I thrive at waking up by 6, you have energy out of this world while I love having the time to sit, drink a cup of coffee and read with no interruptions, you joke nonstop while I get so annoyed and would rather just be NORMAL, you are an out of the box thinker while I like everything black and white and straight to the point, you could change your mind and plans a million times where I like to know what we are doing and stick with it! God has uniquely made us and made us sooo differently, but in a way that has allowed our kids to have a perfect blend of who we are. I love you more than I think you will ever know and am so excited to celebrate you today. You deserve way more than just one day a year to be celebrated, but heck I guess that’s why there is Father’s Day coming up too! Thank you for being the caregiver and provider you are for our family. WE LOVE YOU WITH EVERYTHING WE ARE!


 Cailey, Lilyann, and Liam (can’t forget Ella)

Looking forward to celebrating tonight with our friends. PARTAY!!!

Mother’s Day Weekend- Beach bums


I couldn’t have asked for a better weekend with my family. We had a blast with all our cousins, aunts, and uncles, and Nee Nee and Pops. Not that I don’t miss my babies when they were little, but this summer at the beach was sooo much more enjoyable! Sorry in advance for the overload of pictures, but we truly had a blast! We even got a date night out with the cousins after kids went to bed.

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Every morning we started off with Breakfast and cartoons (Some mornings Pops even went and got Donuts for us!)

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My pretty little boy

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Water babies (Liam looks content in this picture, however he is fearless and would rather have been going nuts on his own)

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This boy LOVED the beach! He has no fear whatsoever and would go as deep as he could in the ocean if we didn’t interfere with his route.

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Lily enjoying her apple with Nee Nee and Pops after her afternoon nap. She even got lucky some days and got to skip her nap! She was one tired little girl though come dinner time.

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This sweet little face just gets me!

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After dinner we went down to the beach for an evening stroller/wagon ride on the beach. Lily was determined to pull Liam “herself” even through the powdery sand. Stubborn little girl was determined even after many whines of : “Its haaarrrrd momma”

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My Little Lily bug is always in her own princess world.

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Pops little man

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Day 2: Bathing beauties are starting their day off with some shade!

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Our Cousins have arrived and are here to play: Marli, Reesie, and Annie (Lily adores you all)!

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We all had a blast down at the beach with our fun cousins. If you can’t tell Liam enjoys eating the sand just a “little”. I’m not sure when he will realize it really doesn’t taste that good! Marli transformed into a Mermaid and Liam had to check out what exactly she was doing.

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Best part of the night, Hubs and I got to have a date night with cousins Keli and Cori. We had a great night and very grateful for Nee Nee and Pops who watched our babies so we could get quality time together!

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Day 3: Lily was ready to go play with Marli, Reesie, and Anniston! Lily had her hair in pigtails, and insisted I did her hair like a “girl” which means braid her hair.

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Our set up for the day Can’t have enough shade

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Liam in his cage

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Finally a family photo! Had to include the second one just because of Lily, she cracks me up!

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Hurdling up the rugrats to try to get a group shot, sharing all these just to show you what a chore it was. Sweet Annie is in her own the world dancing

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Here is what we got! Please take notice of Lily being “such a sweet sissy” and taking care of her bubby to stay in the picture. Oh sibling love…..what can I say she was trying to help us out.

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Papa (Uncle Don) got them a special treat after enduring the photo shoot! Ice Cream, you know since its not sketchy or anything to buy ice cream from a man who drives down the beach with a trailer and cooler of ice cream and popsicle. Life of kids.

As you can see we had a great weekend, full of memories, relaxation, and laughter. I am so blessed to have had Lilyann and Liam, for they have shown be what unconditional love is, as Christ has shown us. I obviously wouldn’t be the mother I am today had I not had the wonderful example I did growing up. Love you Nee Nee. (Mamie you are loved as well. Hope you felt very special today even though you were not present with us) These two babies have added so much joy to Tyler and I’s life. We also  love you Clarke family and enjoyed every minute of all our babies playing together. DANG that was a fun weekend!!

Hope you all had a blessed Mother’s Day weekend as well. Happy Monday!

